Several mediums.
Singular vision.
In both artistry and administration, crafting a masterpiece and orchestrating its outreach are intricately linked, two facets of the same artistic journey.
Learn more about Ehren Valmé’s projects below.
Recording / Mixing
Recording serves as an extension of the live performance and ultimately aims to serve the music, the performer, and the audience. Every session engineered aims to simulate the best seat in the house for the listener: a natural, spacious, and immersive sound that prioritizes clarity and imaging above all else.
Samples coming soon.
Composition / Arrangement
Valmé's compositions make full use of a given ensemble's sonic pallete, while engaging critically with historical styles. The works are generally tonal with examples of experimentation with neo-tonality, yet all of the works share a youthful adherence to the contrapuntal methods Valmé studied in the examples of Palestrina, Praetorious, Wesley, Hindemith, and Sibelius. Pictured above is a manuscript of Psalm 118 for mixed choir and organ.
Valmé Arts Consultancy
VAC is a multifaceted consulting agency that provides strategic and aesthetic insights for artists, cultural institutions, and corporations. Services enable each client to advance artistic visions, enhance artistic operations, and produce impactful special events. Coaching for individuals and groups are also available.